Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You Are What You Eat

I've had some experiences lately that have greatly altered the way in which I view health and wellness; how the things you nourish your body with can completely alter your life.

I've never been a health fanatic. Luckily, I was born with a speedy metabolism and taller figure. I can eat junk food and drink sugary drinks all day and not see many repercussions on my body. The other day I dropped by a friend's house while he was cooking lunch: quinoa, olive oil, cumin, salt and pepper. He offered me some and I said I would rather just wait and go to Chick-Fil-A.

"But that's not very good for you..." he said.
"But I like it." I replied.
"Your body doesn't."

Earlier this Summer I also had the pleasure of meeting a very handsome boy who shared with me his struggles with Chron's Disease. He had to give himself shots and was on daily medication. Eventually he decided to change his diet: all gluten free, nothing processed, lots of organic and raw food choices. Since altering his relationship with food, he hasn't needed his medicine in months. That night he even made me some of his delicious organic spinach wraps. They were fantastic! I was truly inspired by his story and amazed at how simply changing your diet could have such a strong and positive impact on your life.

My cousin is another success story that I have had the privilege to personally witness. Her health struggles began years ago, but no doctor was able to diagnose her symptoms properly. Just standing up could send her heart rate out of control. Fatigue and headaches were a part of everyday life. After countless visits to "specialists", she and my aunt decided to see a wellness professional. He started her up on a gluten free diet, which has since changed her life. (Her gluten free cookies and truffles are to die for.) It's amazing to see the transformation she has undergone. Another inspiration to me to say the least.

Seeing these things first hand has really made me evaluate my relationship with food. It has the power to work miracles if you let it.

Today I went EarthFare and completely restocked my fridge for an ultimate cleanse mode. For the next 7 days I am only eating fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Almond milk and water to drink. After the week is over I will incorporate meats back into the mix. I'm encouraging my friend Brooke to do it with me for support. (She's already a little bummed about missing happy hour tomorrow night).  Cross your fingers that I can keep this up!

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