Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Grateful

Gratitude is a wonderful, beautiful feeling. It is an emotion that we need to strive for every day. The special quality of gratitude is that it centers our focus around the things we already have in our lives, not the things we want.

Lately I've been trying to find little things throughout my day that I am grateful for. Of course I am always grateful for my family, friends, health and education, but I have also been striving to find simple things throughout the day to appreciate as well. Today I was appreciative of the kindness of others. My simple morning trip to the grocery store was met with incredible kindness by every employee. They each seemed genuine and happy, which in turn made me happy. I am very grateful to have experienced such kindness today from strangers.

My plan is to blog continuously about the things in life I am grateful for. I find it to be a humbling experience to reflect on your day at night and focus on the positives this day in your life has brought to you.

Here are also a few daily affirmations concerning gratitude:

I am grateful for all that I have in life.

I am gratefulness, abundance, and love. I cherish my life and I am truly blessed. All that I have and all that I am comes from the power of being grateful.

I am grateful for each day. 

I am grateful for who I am and who I am not. I am grateful for the life I have been given and for all that I have and all that I don't. Every breath I take is a blessing and an opportunity to fully experience the sheer joy of being alive.

The universe provides me with incredible opportunities for which I am grateful. I appreciate everything in my life.

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